Transformative Tools to Clear Intrusive Energies and Guide Us Through These Times
A Northern California Team A.R.E. Presentation

Date: Saturday, April 25, 2020
Registration: 9:00 a.m.
Morning Session: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon Session: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Unity Church of Modesto (Map)
2467 Veneman Ave., Modesto, CA 95356
Tuition: $49.00 pre-registered $59.00 at the door (if space available)
- Register online now (a convenience fee will be added by Eventbrite)
- Print and mail in registration form
- Register in person (availability limited)
For info call: Karen Baker 209-652-7661
Please leave a voicemail message and indicate Nancy Eubel program.
The world, as a world – that makes for the disruption, for the discontent – has lost its ideal. Man may not have the same idea. Man – all men – may have the same IDEAL! —Cayce Reading 3976-8
During this all-day program you will discover how the seeming disharmony of the outside world is presenting us with an opportunity to release old programming and intrusive negative energies, so that we might raise our consciousness.
Nancy will present transformative tools from the Edgar Cayce readings and other spiritual and ancient traditions to help you recognize and transmute energies that have kept you stuck. Also, you will learn ways to raise your vibrations to help guide you through these times, including joining with other like-minded souls to live in peace and in accord with Mother Earth.
Discover what Cayce said about the unseen world of earthbound souls: how they can be the unexpected source of mental and physical difficulties; and how we can release them and assist them into the Light (psychopomp). Nancy will explain how other intrusive energies can attach to us, including negative thoughtforms, past-life personalities, the energy of others, and what attracts them. You will learn how to discern helpful from harmful energies, be given tools to clear attachments; and ways to protect yourself. As part of an energetic tune-up during the program you will identify and remove a negative thoughtform, cut energy-draining cords attached to you, and experience a guided aura revitalization. You will learn what Cayce said about returning Atlanteans, and the importance of our choices.
By coming together as part of the global community, we can benefit ourselves and Mother Earth. These tools will include practices to raise your vibrations; healing through sound, accessing past and future information through time openings; and putting patience into action. Experience yourself being lifted up as you become a beacon of light during a guided visualization. And all the participants will join together in a water blessing ceremony to ask Mother Earth for forgiveness.
The goal of this program is to provide you with insights and transformative tools that can bring healing and guide you in your daily life as you navigate through these polarizing times – to help you seize this opportunity in a way that brings hope, reconciliation, peace, and understanding – and, in so doing, lift humanity higher.

Nancy Eubel, MBA, CHT, QHHT, Rt, is a former co-Executive Director of the A.R.E. She taught the Dreams and Meditation course for the Cayce- Reilly School of Massotherapy, has mentored A.R.E. on-line eGroups, and presented programs across the country. She is a master clinical hypnotherapist, Quantum Healing Hypnotist, shamanic practitioner, and Past-life Regressionist, who has studied past-life therapies in the U.S., India, Turkey, and Portugal. Nancy is the author of the A.R.E. Press past-life regression book Mindwalking. Prior to working for the A.R.E. she had a career as a corporate controller.
Books and Health Products will be for sale at the program.
For local Study Groups call Yuene Shure: (530) 219-6831