- Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. of California - https://www.edgarcayceca.org -


What are ASFG Study Groups?

Search for God (ASFG) groups are one of the most important aspects of local activities. They consist of small groups (2-12 people) that meet in a private home for two hours weekly to meditate and pray together, to study the books A Search for God, and to apply the spiritual principles presented there. These books were written and tested over a period of eleven years by the first ASFG group in Norfolk, Virginia, of which Edgar Cayce as a member. They provide 24 life lessons that provide for a balanced, supportive and safe approach to spiritual development, learning to love, in an effort to achieve an attunement with All That Is and to discover who and what we really are.
See our Northern California Groups [1]
See our Southern California Groups [2]

How can I get involved with ASFG Group?

We have provided a list of active study groups here in both Northern California and Southern California. You are invited to visit any of them and join with their weekly studies if you so choose. You do not have to be an A.R.E. Member to attend. You do not need to be associated with any type of religious group or ideology. Our meetings are open to all people regardless of religion, ethnicity or any type of spiritual group affiliation.

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Is there a fee to participate in ASFG Groups?

There is no charge for these meetings, though a donation may be collected.

Is there anything I should read before I participate in ASFG group?

No preparation is necessary however, there are many books that provide a solid understanding of the information given in the Cayce readings:

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Where can I get these books?

These books plus many more are usually available at:

What if there is no ASFG Group nearby?

Please write an email to: mysoulgarden@gmail.com [13] and request further information or call the toll free number at A.R.E. Search for God Study Group program at 1-877-428-2734.

Why meet in a study group?

The Edgar Cayce readings say that we learn by comparing. This process is especially effective when we share our viewpoints and experiences in a small group setting. As we listen to one another, what matters is not that we should agree or disagree, or try to discover who is “right”, but rather that, as we genuinely allow ourselves to embrace a different perspective, there may be a quickening to growth within ourselves. It magnifies the results.

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Group work offers:

Although these are called “study groups” they are not focused on study for intellectual growth per se. They might be more appropriately called “groups for the study, meditation and application of learning how to love.”

Such growth is fostered in three distinct and complementary ways:

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In practice….

Typically, a Search for God Study Group meets once a week in the home of a group member. A group optimally consists of six to ten members. Some groups choose to rotate through the members’ homes, some choose to keep meeting at one place only.

A Suggested Meeting Order for ASFG Study Groups

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Breathing Exercises

Alternate-Nostril Breathing

Repeat three times

More Breathing Exercises can be found at:
https://www.edgarcayce.org/the-readings/meditation-for-everyone/breathing-exercises/ [15]

Head and Neck Exercises